A number of years ago, ASTD and The MASIE Center published a study,
"E-Learning: If We Build It, Will They Come?" noting poor start and completion
rates for both mandatory and voluntary soft skill and technical corporate e-learning
courses in the U.S. They found that motivation among online learners is often low. E-learners are only a click away from abandoning their online studies - and, more often than not, they are frustrated or bored with the quality or content of the e-courseware they're expected to complete. Although a lot has changed in e-learning since the study was published, learner completion rates have not.
re:Mind strives to reverse that trend. We build lively, engaging e- and blended-learning solutions that spark attention and keep learners involved. We infuse online courseware with sound instructional design, creative thinking and spontaneity that results in learning products that push the envelope.